Last night's Ulduar run was an ambivalent mishmash of highs and lows. We began the night by easily clearing through Flame Leviathan and Deconstructor in order to get in as many attempts as we could stand on the Assembly of Iron. Unfortunately, we never got farther than phase two (doing the normal-difficulty progression); Overloads, and later Lightning Whirls, were just beyond our ability to keep under control. We did, however, do much better than last week, and I wish we would have tried a bit longer last night. In any case, I fully expect us to get them down next time.
But, we finally retreated, and swung back around to clear Razorscale and Ignis. Over the course of the night, we ended up earning a handful of unexpected achievements through sheer badassery. In addition to the dragon murderin' noted above, we also got

rawr rawr rawr ra*maims you for having that freaking achievement which should be removed from the game*