The guild's raiding has, indeed, progressed beyond Saurfang in the weeks following my last post. In the interim, one group - once - has managed to take down Festergut. Full stop.
It is somewhat analogous to an unholy amalgamation of Patchwerk and Loatheb, except the
spores in this fight, rather than boosting your DPS, boost your immunity to the incoming
massive raid damage. The DPS is up to you, and boy howdy, do you need a lot of it! Festergut has a five-minute enrage timer, and 9.4 million health in his 10-player iteration. That means, assuming two tanks and two healers, a minimum of 5k DPS from everyone else, or you lose.
Yeah, we lost.
That brings us to tonight's attempt at ToGC. We were feeling cocky - ok,
I was feeling cocky - I mean, we've cleared ToC dozens of times, and now we've even got a few pieces of gear from the next tier of content! What could go wrong?
...let's just say they don't call him Gormok the
Impaler for nothing. Those poor, poor tanks.