Wednesday, July 1, 2009


I've been putting off commenting on any Patch 3.2 changes, in anticipation of further revisions rendering anything I might say obsolete, but I feel I can at least throw in my two cents on a topic that's been the focus of much angst among raiders: the consolidation of pre-Triumph emblems, allowing players to purchase up to tier 8.5 gear by potentially running nothing more advanced than heroic 5-man dungeons.

The argument against this is that it devalues the accomplishments of raiders who successfully progressed through Ulduar, by giving the same gear to people running hNexus every day. Now, I would have agreed with this point if the change were implemented before a new tier of content was opened. But the fact is, is hasn't been - on the day that Conquest gear is available to the unwashed masses, all of the serious raiders are going to be diving into Triumph-tier gear.

And I'm cool with that. Progress through the current endgame content has always been the metric by which the relative hardness of a player's core is measured, and that isn't changing. So, my fellow elitist jerks, catch you in the Coliseum.

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