With Vezax having smugly rebuffed our attempts to crack open his carapace and eat him with butter during last week's regularly-scheduled raiding, last night we initialized the Emergency Last-minute Boss Owning (ELBOW) protocol, and took on the last two regular-difficulty bosses in Ulduar.
It took a handful of attempts, but everything finally came together, and Vezax fell over. That left only Yogg-Saron and his crazy girlfriend.
Our best attempts saw us make it to the beginning of phase two, where we were overwhelmed by an excess of Guardians of Yogg-Saron. We had some trouble with people hitting clouds, and Guardians blowing up before they could be herded to Sara. We finally called it a night after... a lot of tries... but, we killed a new boss and saw a new encounter, which makes it a good night in my book.